Our Findings

A Proven Approach to Community Health Worker Programs

As a CHW national center of excellence, we pioneered the concept of evidenced-based programs through leading-edge research, and are always conducting new, innovative studies on effective best practices.  Our first randomized control trial, published in JAMA Internal Medicine in 2014, focused on triple-aim improvements of our IMPaCT program for hospitalized patients. In August of 2017, our second RCT, published in AJPH, showed improvements in hospital admissions, chronic disease control, and mental health for patients with chronic health conditions. Our third multi-site RCT, published in JAMA Internal Medicine in 2018 demonstrated improved health, quality and reduced hospital days across multiple outpatient sites. In 2019 we published a seminal cost-effectiveness paper in Health Affairs demonstrating that IMPaCT returns an annual $2.47 for every dollar invested by Medicaid. The details of these studies, and other results, may be found in this section.

Research Publications, peer reviewed (print or other media):

1. Kangovi S, Mukherjee J, Bohmer R, Fitzmaurice G.: A classification and meta-analysis of community-based directly observed therapy programs for tuberculosis treatment in developing countries. Journal of Community Health 34(6): 506-13, Dec 2009 Notes: DOI: 10.1007/s10900-009-9174-4. – A classification and meta-analysis of community-based directly observed therapy programs for tuberculosis treatment in developing countries


2. Kangovi S, Grande D, Meehan P, Mitra Nandita, Shannon R, Long J.: Perceptions of readmitted patients on the transition from hospital to home. Journal of hospital medicine : an official publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine 7(9): 709-12, Nov-Dec 2012 Notes: DOI: 10.1002/jhm.1966. – Perceptions of readmitted patients on the transition from hospital to home


3. Kangovi S, Barg F, Carter T, Long J, Shannon R, Grande D.: Understanding why patients of low socioeconomic status prefer hospitals over ambulatory care. Health affairs (Project Hope) 32(7): 1196-203, Jul 2013. – Understanding why patients of low socioeconomic status prefer hospitals over ambulatory care


4. Kangovi S, Barg FK, Carter T, Levy K, Sellman J, Long JA, Grande D.: Challenges faced by patients with low socioeconomic status during the post-hospital transition. Journal of General Internal Medicine 29(2): 283-9, Feb 2014 Notes: DOI: 10.1007/s11606-013-2571-5. PMCID: PMC3912302 – Challenges faced by patients with low socioeconomic status during the post-hospital transition


5. Kangovi S, Mitra N, Grande D, White ML, McCollum S, Sellman J, Shannon RP, Long JA.: Patient-centered community health worker intervention to improve posthospital outcomes: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Internal Medicine 174(4): 535-43, Apr 2014 Notes: DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.14327. – Patient-centered community health worker intervention to improve posthospital outcomes: a randomized clinical trial


6. Kangovi Shreya, Levy Kathryn, Barg Frances K, Carter Tamala, Long Judith A, Grande David: Perspectives of older adults of low socioeconomic status on the post-hospital transition. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 25(2): 746-56, May 2014. – Perspectives of older adults of low socioeconomic status on the post-hospital transition


7. Kangovi S, Grande D, Carter T, Barg F, Rogers M, Glanz K, Shannon R, Long JA. : The use of participatory action research to design a patient-centered community health worker care transitions intervention. Healthcare 2(2): 136-44, July  2014 Notes: DOI: 10.1016/j.hjdsi.2014.02.001. – The use of participatory action research to design a patient-centered community health worker care transitions intervention


8. Kangovi, S.;Kellom,  K.; Sha, C.; Johnson, S.;Chanton,  C.; Carter, T.; Long, J.;Grande D. : Perceptions of high-risk patients and their providers on the patient centered medical home. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management 38(2): 134-43, Apri-June 2015 Notes: DOI: 10.1016/j.cardfail.2015.10.011. PMCID: PMC4847723 – Perceptions of high-risk patients and their providers on the patient centered medical home


9. Reilly JB, Bennett N, Fosnocht K, Williams K, Kangovi S, Jackson R, Ende J.: Redesigning rounds: towards a more purposeful approach to inpatient teaching and learning. Academic Medicine 90(4): 450-3, Apr 2015 Notes: DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000579. – Redesigning rounds: towards a more purposeful approach to inpatient teaching and learning


10. Brown E, Kangovi S, Grande D. : Exploring the patient and staff experience with the process of primary care: implications for primary care transformation. Annals of Family Medicine 13(4): 347-53, Jul-Aug 2015 Notes: doi:  10.1370/afm.1808. PMCID: PMC4508176 – Exploring the patient and staff experience with the process of primary care: implications for primary care transformation


11. Ahmad F, Barg F, Bowles K, Alexander M, Goldberg L, French B, Kangovi S, Gallagher T, Paciotti B, Kimmel S. : Comparing perspectives of patients, caregivers, and clinicians on heart failure management. Journal of Cardiac Failure 22(3): 210-17, October 2015 Notes: DOI: 10.1016/j.cardfail.2015.10.011. PMCID: PMC4847723 – Comparing perspectives of patients, caregivers, and clinicians on heart failure management


12. Kangovi S, Carter T, Charles C, Smith RA, Glanz K, Long JA, Grande D. : Toward a scalable, patient-centered community health worker model: adapting the IMPaCT intervention for use in the outpatient setting. Population Health Management 19(6): 380-388, Mar 2016 Notes: DOI: 10.1089/pop.2015.0157. – Toward a scalable, patient-centered community health worker model: adapting the IMPaCT intervention for use in the outpatient setting


13. Kangovi S, Mitra N, Smith RA, Kulkarni R, Turr L, Huo H, Glanz K, Grande D, Long JA. : Decision-making and goal-setting in chronic disease management:  baseline findings of a randomized controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling 100(3): 449-455, September 2016 Notes: DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2016.09.019. PMCID: PMC5437864 – Decision-making and goal-setting in chronic disease management:  baseline findings of a randomized controlled trial


14. Morgan AU, Grande D,  Carter T, Long, JA, Kangovi S. : Penn Center for Community Health Workers: step-by-step approach to sustain an evidence-based community health worker intervention at an academic medical center. American Journal of Public Health  106(11): 1958-1960, November 2016. PMCID: PMC5055768 – Penn Center for Community Health Workers: step-by-step approach to sustain an evidence-based community health worker intervention at an academic medical center


15. Kangovi S, Mitra N, Turr L, Huo H, Grande H, Long LA.: A randomized controlled trial of a community health worker intervention in a population of patients with multiple chronic diseases: study design and protocol. Contemp Clin Trials 53: 115-121, Feb 2017. PMCID: PMC5455773 – A randomized controlled trial of a community health worker intervention in a population of patients with multiple chronic diseases: study design and protocol


16. Mehta P, Carter T, Vinoya C, Kangovi S,  Srinivas SK. : Understanding high utilization of unscheduled care in pregnant women of low socioeconomic status. Women’s Health Issues 27(4): 441-448, March  2017. PMCID: PMC5857940 – Understanding high utilization of unscheduled care in pregnant women of low socioeconomic status


17. Sevilla-Cazes J, Bowles K, Ahmed FS, Gallagher T, Kangovi S, Goldberg LR, Alexander L, Jaskowiak A, Barg FK, Kimmel SE.: A qualitative study of patient-reported challenges to heart failure home management. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 10(3), March  2017. –


18. Kangovi S, Mitra N, Grande D, Huo H, Smith RA, Long JA: Community health worker support for disadvantaged patients with multiple chronic diseases: a randomized clinical trial. Am J Public Health  107(10): 1660-1667, August  2017 Notes: DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.303985. PMCID: PMC5607679 – Community health worker support for disadvantaged patients with multiple chronic diseases: a randomized clinical trial


19. Ahmad FS, French B, Bowles, KH, Sevilla-Cazes J, Jaskowiak-Barr A, Gallagher TR, Kangovi S, Goldberg LR, Barg FK, Kimmel SE. : Incorporating patient-centered factors into heart failure readmission risk prediction: A mixed-methods study. Am Heart J 200: 75-82, Jun 2018  Notes: DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2018.03.002. PMCID: PMC6004826 – Incorporating patient-centered factors into heart failure readmission risk prediction: A mixed-methods study


20. Kangovi S, Carter T, Smith R, DeLisser, H.: A Community Health Worker-Led Rotation to Train Medical Students in the Social Determinants of Health. J Health Care Poor Underserved. J Health Care Poor Underserved.  (eds.). 29(2): 581-590, June 2018 Notes: doi: 10.1353/hpu.2018.0042. – A Community Health Worker-Led Rotation to Train Medical Students in the Social Determinants of Health


21. Edlind M, Mitra N, Grande D, Barg F, Carter T, Glanz K, Long J, Turr L, Kangovi S.: Why effective interventions do not work for all patients: exploring variation in response to a chronic disease management intervention. Medical Care.      (eds.). 56(8): 719-726, August 2018. PMCID: PMC6041152 – Why effective interventions do not work for all patients: exploring variation in response to a chronic disease management intervention


22. Cabey WV, Shea JA, Kangovi S, Kennedy D, Onwuzulike C, Fein J.: Understanding pediatric caretakers’ views on obtaining medical care for low-acuity illness. Acad Emerg Med 25(9): 1004-13, Sep 2018 Notes: DOI: 10.1111/acem.13436. – Understanding pediatric caretakers’ views on obtaining medical care for low-acuity illness


23. Sevilla-Cazes J, Ahmad FS, Bowles KH, Jaskowiak A, Gallagher T, Goldberg LR, Kangovi S, Alexander M, Riegel B, Barg FK, Kimmel SE.: Heart Failure Home Management Challenges and Reasons for Readmission: a Qualitative Study to Understand the Patient’s Perspective. J Gen Intern Med 33(10): 1700-07,  Oct 2018 Notes: DOI: 10.1007/s11606-018-4542-3. PMCID: PMC6153210 – Heart Failure Home Management Challenges and Reasons for Readmission: a Qualitative Study to Understand the Patient’s Perspective


24. Kangovi S, Mitra N, Norton L, Harte R, Zhao X, Carter T, Grande D, Long JA: Effect of Community Health Worker Support on Clinical Outcomes of Low-Income Patients Across Primary Care Facilities: A Randomized Clinical Trial.  JAMA Intern Med. 178(12): 1635-1643, Dec 1 2018 Notes: DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.4630 – Effect of Community Health Worker Support on Clinical Outcomes of Low-Income Patients Across Primary Care Facilities: A Randomized Clinical Trial


25. Kangovi, S.; Mitra, N.; Grande D.; Long, J.A.; Asch, D.: Return on investment from an evidence-based community health worker program from the perspective of a Medicaid payer. Health Aff  39(2): 207-213, Feb 2020. – Return on investment from an evidence-based community health worker program from the perspective of a Medicaid payer


26. Vasan A*, Morgan JW*, Mitra N, Xu C, Long JA, Asch DA, Kangovi S.: Effects of a Standardized Community Health Worker Intervention on Hospitalization: Results of a Pooled Analysis of Three Randomized Clinical Trials  Health Serv Res 55 Suppl 2(Suppl 2): 894-901, Oct 2020. – Effects of a Standardized Community Health Worker Intervention on Hospitalization: Results of a Pooled Analysis of Three Randomized Clinical Trials


27. Akpovi, E; Srinivas, S.; Carter, T.; Kangovi, S; Mehta, P. : Patient Perspectives on Innovation in Prenatal Care Delivery: A Call to Action from Pregnant High-Utilizers of Unscheduled Care   Healthcare 2020 Notes: In press. – Medicaid member perspectives on innovation in prenatal care delivery: A call to action from pregnant people using unscheduled care


28. Weissman, G., ; Teeple, S., Eneanya, N.; Hubbard, R.; Kangovi, S.: Effects of neighborhood-level data on performance and algorithmic equity of a model that predicts 30-day heart failure readmissions at an urban academic medical center   Journal of Cardiac Failure May  2021. – Effects of Neighborhood-level Data on Performance and Algorithmic Equity of a Model That Predicts 30-day Heart Failure Readmissions at an Urban Academic Medical Center


29. Rory Harte, Lindsey Norton, Christina Whitehouse, Ilona Lorincz, Carolyn Sabini, Nandita Mitra, Judith A. Long, Karen Glanz, Kevin G. Volpp, Shreya Kangovi : Combining best practices for health behavior change in diabetes: design of a randomized controlled trial of digital health with, financial incentives, and community health worker support Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications December 2021 Notes: doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2021.100878. PMCID:  PMC8688867 – Combining best practices for health behavior change in diabetes: design of a randomized controlled trial of digital health with, financial incentives, and community health worker support


30. Whitehouse CR, Knowles M, Long JA., Mitra N, Volpp KG, Xu C, Sabini C, Gerald N, Estrada I, Jones D, Kangovi, S. : Digital Health and Community Health Worker Support for Diabetes Management: a Randomized Controlled Trial.  Journal of General Internal Medicine.  May 2022 Notes: doi:10.1007/s11606-022-07639-6. – Digital Health and Community Health Worker Support for Diabetes Management: a Randomized Controlled Trial

Research Publications, peer-reviewed reviews:

1. Knowles, M; Crowley, A.; Vasan,A; Kangovi, S.: A systematic review of the effectiveness of community health workers and their integration into health care  Annual Reviews in Public Health In press.



1. Kangovi S, Grande D, Meehan P, Mitra N, Shannon R, Long JA. : ‘Perceptions of readmitted patients on the transition from hospital to home.’  Society of General Internal Medicine Regional Meeting. Orlando, FL  March  2012 Notes: Oral Presentation. – Perceptions of readmitted patients on the transition from hospital to home


2. Kangovi S, Grande D, Meehan P, Mitra N, Shannon R, Long JA.  : ‘Perceptions of readmitted patients on the transition from hospital to home.’ Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Mid-Atlantic Meeting, Christiana, DE. March  2012 Notes: Oral presentation.-


3. Kangovi S, Evans TL, Mitra, N.: Patient-reported oncology readmission factors. American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) National Quality Symposium. San Diego, CA.  November 2012 Notes: Poster Presentation.


4. Kangovi S, Grande D, Mitra N, Sellman J, White ML, McCollum S, Shannon R, Long JA.  : ‘A randomized controlled trial of a community health worker post-hospital care transitions intervention for low socioeconomic status patients.’  Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting. San Diego, CA April  2013 Notes: Oral Presentation. – Patient-Centered Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Posthospital Outcomes: A Randomized Clinical Trial


5. Ahmad F, Barg F, Kangovi S, Alexander M, Kimmel S.: Comparing perspectives between patients, caregivers, and clinicians on heart failure management. American Heart Association,  Philadelphia, PA. November 2013 Notes: Poster Presentation. – Comparing Perspectives of Patients, Caregivers, and Clinicians on Heart Failure Management


6. Kangovi S, Kellom K, Sha C, Johnson S, Chanton C, Carter T, Long LA, Grande D.: Perceptions of high-risk patients and their primary care staff of the Patient-Centered Medical Home. Primary Care Leadership Academy Showcase. San Francisco, CA November 2013  Notes: Poster Presentation. – Perceptions of high-risk patients and their primary care staff of the Patient-Centered Medical Home


7. Kangovi S, Kellom K, Sha C, Johnson S, Chanton C, Carter T, Long JA, Grande D.: Patient and provider perceptions of the patient centered medical home: agreement and tensions. Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting. San Diego, CA. April  2014 Notes: Poster Presentation. – Perceptions of High-Risk Patients and Their Providers on the Patient-Centered Medical Home


8. Yalanchi P, Chanton C, Carter T, Smith R, Delisser H.: Use of community health workers to train medical students in the social determinants of health and cross-cultural communication Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting Plenary Session, Toronto, Canada   April  2015 Notes: Plenary Oral Presentation. – Use of community health workers to train medical students in the social determinants of health and cross-cultural communication


9. Kangovi  S, Mitra N, Smith R, Kulkarni R, Turr L, Huo H, Glanz K, Grande D, Long JA. : Decision-making and goal-setting in a randomized controlled trial of patient-centered support for chronic disease management. Society of General Medicine National Meeting, Hollywood, FL. May 2016 Notes: Oral Presentation. – Decision-making and goal-setting in a randomized controlled trial of patient-centered support for chronic disease management


10. Grande D, Long J, Turr L, Kangovi S. : Community health worker support versus collaborative goal-setting for disadvantaged patients with multiple chronic diseases: a randomized clinical trial. Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting. Washington, DC May 2017 Notes: Oral Presentation. – Community health worker support versus collaborative goal-setting for disadvantaged patients with multiple chronic diseases: a randomized clinical trial


11. Edlind, M.; Mitra, N.; Grande, D.; Barg, F.; Carter, T.; Harte, R.; Norton, L.; Glanz, K.; Long, J.A.; Kangovi, S. : Why effective interventions don’t work for all patients: exploring variation in response to a chronic disease management intervention.  Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting. Denver, CO. April  2018 Notes: Poster Presentation. – Why effective interventions don’t work for all patients: exploring variation in response to a chronic disease management intervention


12. Kangovi, S.; Mitra, N.; Zhao, Z.; Harte, R.; Norton, L.; Grande, D.; Long, J.A. : Community health worker support for chronically-ill patients at veterans affairs, community and academic sites: a multi-center randomized clinical trial.  Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting Plenary Session. Denver, CO. April 2018 Notes: Plenary Oral Presentation



13. Edlind, M.; Mitra, N.; Grande, D.; Barg, F.; Carter, T.; Harte, R.; Norton, L.; Glanz, K.; Long, J.A.; Kangovi, S.: Why effective interventions don’t work for all patients: exploring variation in response to a chronic disease management intervention.   Academy Health National Meeting.  Seattle, WA. June  2018 Notes: Poster Presentation.

Why Effective Interventions Do Not Work for All Patients: Ex… : Medical Care (lww.com)


14. Kangovi, S.; Mitra, N.; Zhao, Z.; Harte, R.; Norton, L.; Grande, D.; Long, J.A.: Community health worker support for chronically-ill patients at veterans affairs, community and academic sites: a multi-center randomized clinical trial. Academy Health National Meeting Podium Presentation. Seattle, WA.  June 2018 Notes: Podium Presentation.


15. Kangovi, S.; Mitra, N.’ Long, J.A.; Grande, D.; Asch, D. : Return on investment from an evidence-based community health worker program  Academy Health National Annual Research Meeting June 2019 Notes: Late-breaking abstract Oral Presentation.

             Evidence-Based Community Health Worker Program Addresses Unmet Social Needs And Generates Positive Return On Investment (healthaffairs.org)


16. Weissman, G.; Teeple, S.; Hubbard, R.; Kangovi, S. : Predictive performance for 30-day heart failure readmissions from a single center is unequal across race. Academy Health National Meeting  June 2019 Notes: Poster Presentation.

Effects of Neighborhood-level Data on Performance and Algorithmic Equity of a Model That Predicts 30-day Heart Failure Readmissions at an Urban Academic Medical Center – Journal of Cardiac Failure


17. Anabui, O.; Carter, T.; Kangovi, S. : Participatory action to develop a community health worker career ladder. American Public Health Association National Meeting November  2019 Notes: Oral Presentation.


18. Estrada, I.; Feldstein, J.; Kangovi, S. : Targeted Investments to Support Effective, Scalable CHW Programs: Lessons from the IMPaCT CHW Model American Public Health Association National Meeting November 2019 Notes: Oral Presentation


19. Vasan, A.; Morgan, J.; Mitra, N.; Xu, C.; Long, J.A.; Kangovi, S.: Effects of a Standardized Community Health Worker Intervention on Hospitalization: Results of a Pooled Analysis of Three Randomized Clinical Trials. Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting, Birmingham, AL May 8th 2020 Notes: Oral Presentation.

             (including author David A. Asch)

Effects of a standardized community health worker intervention on hospitalization among disadvantaged patients with multiple chronic conditions: A pooled analysis of three clinical trials – PMC (nih.gov)


20. Knowles, M., Vasan, A., Daglieri, T., Carter, T., Beidas, R., Saldana, L., Long, J.A., Kangovi, S. : Scaling an Evidence-Based Community Health Worker (CHW) Intervention with Fidelity: National Implementation of IMPaCT  AcademyHealth 2022 Annual Research Meeting, Washington D.C.  May 2022 Notes: Oral presentation.



21. Ibe, C. Garfield, C., Harris, A. Scott, T., Kangovi, S. : Project CHAMPP: Advancing and Sustaining a Community Health Worker-Centered Political Platform. APHA Oral Presentaiton 2022.


22. Schriger, S.H., Knowles, M., Kangovi, S., Beidas, R.S. : Examining multi-level stakeholder perspectives of barriers and facilitators to implementing an evidence-based community health worker model.  Presentation at 15th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation December 2022 Notes: Oral Presentation.


Editorials, Reviews, Chapters, including participation in committee reports (print or other media):

1. Kangovi S, Grande D.: Hospital readmissions–not just a measure of quality. JAMA 306(16): 1796-7, Oct 2011. Hospital Readmissions—Not Just a Measure of Quality | Emergency Medicine | JAMA | JAMA Network



2. Kangovi S, Long JA, Emanuel E.: Community health workers combat readmission. Archives of Internal Medicine 172(22): 1756-7, Nov 5 2012. Community Health Workers Combat Readmission | Health Care Workforce | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network



3. Yehia BR, Kangovi S, Frank I.: Patients in transition: avoiding detours on the road to HIV treatment success. AIDS  27(10): 1529-33, Jun 2013. Patients in transition: avoiding detours on the road to HIV… : AIDS (lww.com)



4. Kangovi S, Grande D.: Transitional care management reimbursement to reduce COPD readmission. Chest 145(1): 149-55, Jan 2014. Transitional Care Management Reimbursement to Reduce COPD Readmission



5. Kangovi S, Grande D, Trinh-Shevrin C.: From rhetoric to reality: community health workers in post-reform healthcare. The New England Journal of Medicine 372(24): 2277-9, Jun 11 2015 Notes: DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1502569. PMCID: PMC4689134 From Rhetoric to Reality — Community Health Workers in Post-Reform U.S. Health Care | NEJM



6. Islam N, Nadkarni S, Peretz P, Matiz AL, Hirsch G, Kane E, Collinsworth A,Kangovi S, Godfrey KW, Hyde J, Matos S, Kumar R, Lopez P, Zhong L,Thorpe L, and Trinh-Shevrin C. : Integration of community health workers into primary care health systems. New York University-The City University of New York Prevention Research Center  October  2016. Integrating Community Health Workers Within Patient Protecti… : Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (lww.com)



7. Singh P, McWeeny W, Stapleton A, Qureshi C, Arvind P, Barringer E, Estrada I, Hausman V, Henick A, Honoré P, Kangovi S, Kaur M, Napier H, Palazuelos D, Park R, Pryor CT, Patel N, Shahidi H, Sickora C, Velez J.: Closing the gap: applying global lessons toward sustainable community health models in the U.S.  Report of the Office of the U.N. Special Envoy for Health  December 2016. Closing-the-Gap-Applying-Global-Lessons-Toward-Sustainable-Community-Health-Models-in-the-U.S..pdf (healthenvoy.org)



8. S. Kangovi: The problem with American health care is the care. Stat News Editorial November 2017. The problem with American health care is the care (statnews.com)



9. Kangovi S. : Design for dysfunction. Annals of Family Medicine.  16, Feb 8 2018 Notes: Invited editorial  Design for Dysfunction | Annals of Family Medicine (annfammed.org)


10. Kangovi S, Asch DA. : The community health worker boom. New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst.  August 2018 Notes: Invited Editorial. The Community Health Worker Boom (nejm.org)



11. Garfield, C., Kangovi, S.: Integrating community health workers without coopting them. Health Affairs Blog May 2019. Integrating Community Health Workers (CHWs) into Health Care Organizations | SpringerLink


12. Kangovi, S. : Health care organizations are firing before they aim at the social determinants of health Harvard Business Review May 2019. An Effective Way to Tackle the Social Causes of Poor Health (hbr.org)



13. Butler, E.; Kangovi, S.: Health Care Providers Are Hiring the Wrong People. Harvard Business Review October  2019. Health Care Providers Are Hiring the Wrong People (hbr.org)


14. S. Kangovi, D. Grande: Don’t Throw Cold Water on Health Care’s Hotspotters. Health Affairs Blog February 2020. Don’t Throw Cold Water On Health Care’s Hot Spotters | Health Affairs


15. Brown, O., S. Kangovi, N. Wiggins, and C. S. Alvarado. : Supervision Strategies and Community Health Worker Effectiveness in Health Care Settings  NAM Perspectives. Discussion Paper, National Academy of Medicine, Washington, DC.  March  2020 Notes: https://doi.org/10.31478/202003c. Supervision Strategies and Community Health Worker Effectiveness in Health Care Settings – National Academy of Medicine (nam.edu)


16. S. Kangovi, P. O’Kane: Community Health Workers: Developing Standards to Support These Frontline Workers During the Pandemic and Beyond. Milbank Blog May 15 2020. Community Health Workers: Developing Standards to Support These Frontline Workers During the Pandemic and Beyond | Milbank Memorial Fund


17. Nadella, P.; Butler, E.; Kangovi, S.: Defeating COVID-19 Locally: The Community Health Worker Ground Game. Harvard Center for Primary Care Blog June 2020. Defeating COVID-19 Locally: The Community Health Worker Ground Game (harvard.edu)


18. S. Kangovi: Want to help battle COVID-19? Bring in more community health workers. American Association of Medical Colleges Blog June 8 2020. Want to help battle COVID-19? Bring in more community health workers | AAMC


19. S. Kangovi: To Protect Public Health During And After The Pandemic, We Need A New Approach To Financing Community Health Workers. Health Affairs Blog June 5 2020. To Protect Public Health During And After The Pandemic, We Need A New Approach To Financing Community Health Workers | Health Affairs


20. Butler, E.; Morgan A.; Kangovi, S.: Screening for unmet social needs: patient engagement or alienation? NEJM Catalyst July 2020. Screening for Unmet Social Needs: Patient Engagement or Alienation? (nejm.org)


21. Kangovi, S.; Blackstock, U.: Community health workers are essential in this crisis. We need more of them. The Washington Post Opinion  July 2020. Opinion | Community health workers are essential in this crisis. We need more of them. – The Washington Post


22. Kangovi, S.; Berkowitz, S.: Healthcare’s social movement should not leave science behind  Milbank Quarterly September 2020. Health Care’s Social Movement Should Not Leave Science Behind | Milbank Memorial Fund


23. S. Kangovi, R. Gee, S. Blumenthal : Community Health Workers in America’s Next Chapter. CNN February 2021. Opinion: This group of workers could help turnaround quality of life — and the economy | CNN


24. Anabui, O.; Carter, T.; Phillippi, M.; Ruggieri, D.; Kangovi, S.: Developing Sustainable Community Health Worker Career Paths. Milbank Memorial Fund March 2021. Developing Sustainable Community Health Worker Career Paths | Milbank Memorial Fund


25. Caitlin G. Allen, J. Nell Brownstein, Olveen Carrasquillo, Tamala Carter, Irene Estrada, Jill Feldstein, Durrell Fox, Alexander Hurley, Shreya Kangovi, Carmen Linarte, Brendaly Rodríguez: Chapter Title: Participation in Evaluation and Research. Promoting the Health of the Community – Community Health Workers Describing Their Roles, Competencies, and Practice 2021. Participating in Evaluation and Research | SpringerLink


26. Vasan,A; Harris, A.; Kangovi, S.; Mahoney, K. : Getting Proximate: Flipping the Mentorship Paradigm to Promote Health Equity New England Journal of Medicine Dec 2021. Getting Proximate — Flipping the Mentorship Paradigm to Promote Health Equity | NEJM